Saturday 10 July 2010

Yellowstone National Park

As we entered Yellowstone we entered Wyoming. It costs 12 bucks to get into the park! A few miles along the road, with endless lines of traffic, we came upon moose in the river.Not long after we saw some bison and then a buffalo. Its o.k if you're in a car but a bit intimidating from a cyclists perspective! On we went as far as the famous geysers; I have never seen anything like them in all my life...miles of geysers and brightly coloured pools, so spectacular. The most famous of all is Old Faithful, a geyser that shoots hot water up to 180 feet into the air at a certain time each day and does it for about 3 minutes. Luckily we were there at the right time. We met up with the other cyclists at Old Faithful (Doug, Jim and Kathy) ,quite by chance!
Later that day we were all reunited once again at the same camp site. As there was no other available accommodation in the park I had to agree to camping!!! When we were checking in at the camp site ,the warden warned us to take great care as there is a big male, grizzly bear who goes round the site every night in search of food!!! Music to my ears! We were instructed to put everything in the line of food or anything with a smell, even a bottle of water, into the bear proof steel containers on the site! Jim reassured me that if a bear wanted food he could even rip the doors off a car! Sweet dreams!
We went into our tiny tent, into our tiny sleeping bags,zipped up to the neck and hoods, up and then I found a bag of sweets in my pocket... Unhappy but with no choice Dermot had to get out and go and put them in the bear box (,he was at the zip side! )In again zipped up and I found a lip balm but this time he refused to get out so I lay in fear all night in case the bear would smell it and come and eat us all up!!!! All night I lay clutching my whistle and my torch, listening out for grizzly bears!! At 5am we were both wide awake with the cold and soon got up. There was ice on the picnic table outside the tent! It was below freezing! We went to the filling station and got coffee at 6am and then breakfast when the restaurant opened! what a night!!! We overheard a conversation about snow at another camp site in Yellowstone and a tent had collapsed with the weight of the snow that same night!! Maybe we didn't have it so bad after all!!!

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